Movie Plot: 15-year-old Jen Guilarman, a 3rd year high school student, leads a lonely, troubled existence in a tenement housing building. Brought up by her dysfunctional mom, Edna and her mom's tomboy live-in partner, Jags, Jen experiences a hellish life from which she tries to escape. In school, Jen catches the attention of her Pilipino teacher, Ariel Basco, who is himself undergoing a difficult marriage. His wife, Laida, has been in and out of the hospital, diagnosed with cancer of the uterus, and they are saddled with financial problems. A loner himself, ARIEL is sympathetic to the equally lonely JEN and their counseling sessions lead to a friendship that is misconstrued by others as more than just platonic. JEN, being the more vulnerable one, imagines herself in love with her teacher and fantasizes about him falling in love with her. In order to experience a sense of belongingness, JEN becomes involved with a street, all-girl gang. Here she makes new friends and finds love and security in having some kind of a family that accepts her for what she is. When JEN is initiated into the girl gang, she has to undergo a sexual rite. She chooses to seduce ARIEL BASCO to devirginize her. When ARIEL rejects her advances, JEN is humiliated and runs away from him.
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